Saturday, September 15, 2012

Move In Day At Bridge

Over the past week, movers and the facilities department worked to prepare the new spaces for move in, unpacked trailers, and moved materials from temporary spaces to more permanent ones.

The K-2 wing was bustling with energy today.  Staff spent the day unpacking boxes, hanging bulletin boards, and arranging their spaces.  The new wing is taking shape and will be ready for the students on Tuesday.  We look forward to "showing off" the new space on Thursday, September 20th,  at Curriculum Morning.

A special thank you to the PTA for organizing the food table for the staff.  Your support, kind words, and food has helped during this transition.

The work will continue on Sunday and Monday.

Mrs. Diamant and Mrs. Rochbert
unpack Mrs. Diamant's classroom
Rebecca Moore and Cathy Smith
work to set up the PTA food table

Mrs. Sciarretta
unpacks her many boxes!

Mrs. Croy
prepares her reading space

Mrs. Werbeloff
rolls in materials

Mrs. Katz
rolls materials from her temporary space
to her new space

Ms. Baranofsky
prepares for her kindergarteners

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